Wednesday 15 October 2014


1.       Why is there a high angle establishing  shot of the boat in the opening scene
-          In the opening scene there is a high angle establishing shot of a boat alone in the ocean. The angle shows that the boat is alone and that there is no land to be seen. This creates suspense and jeopardy as you see the contrast of the small boat to the huge ocean and gives you the feeling of being unsafe. It portrays the size and loneliness the ocean brings. It makes the audience share the sense of feeling small and timid in contrast to the vicious and dangerous ocean. It’s the sense of being isolated and vulnerable; there is nothing to help them.
2.       Is the opening shot as an example of camera-work mise-en-scene or editing?
-          Editing
3.       Why have a low angle shot?
-          The very low angle shot makes the audience feel a part of the boat, as if they are also sailing on it. It involves the audience and creates suspense as they feel a part of the action. The sea creates an emotion of being very strong and dangerous, which creates an illusion that makes the viewer sacred.
4.       Why do we have shots such as this one of the men up the rigging?
-          To give the effect of how high and dangerous the whole enterprise is.
5.       Is that called an arc pan or tracking shot?
-          Arc Pan as it went like an arc around the boat
6.       Why did the arc pan happen?
-          The arc pan leaves the boat facing he fog, the emptiness and the unknown of the ocean. This is the cue for danger.
7.       Why is the child there?
-          No this is not a stereotypical child as this child is not weak or protected. He is treated like an adult and is given a sense of responsibility which is not typical.
8.       What show is it when you go from one person o another person in dialogue?
-          Shot reverse shot
9.       What shot is this called?
-          Point of view shot
10.  Would you use this sequence as part of your answer on how suspense was built up?
-          Yes
11.   What shot is this?
-          -
12.   If you picked this as an example of sound what would you say
-          This sound is used when they are on battle alert in the following way; it creates suspense as you know danger is on its way. It creates fear. Drums are often associated with military maneuverers; they are used as a rallying call to get people in to battle moods. They create very abrupt, sharp and intense sounds that cut through the air at high speed in order to create suspense.
13.   How is this an example of mise-en-scene?

-          The moment when the table is cleared for surgery creates a sense of suspense and jeopardy because we know that the blood stains have come from previous surgeries and the instruments are very basic and brutal so we know the surgery will be extremely painful.

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