Thursday 30 January 2014


The mise-en-scene in the scene we watched in class from the ‘Hurt Locker’ makes it identifiable as an action and adventure genre because it is set in a Middle Eastern type area. The buildings are broken and are of a poorer style we also know this because of the traditional clothing the locals are wearing which is referred to as ‘burkas’. They are in a deserted, sand based area which gives you the idea it is very hot. There are members of the U.S army escorting locals out of a building. The soldiers are wearing the typical camouflage themed soldier outfit with their guns. The surrounding is very tense as the soldiers are escorting locals away from danger and there seems to be an alarming voice bellowing out some sort of microphone. The voice is speaking in an Islamic tone which adds to the scenery. There is a definite war atmosphere because of the soldiers and the chaos that is going on. We also know it is a war scene because of the machinery in the background that includes of tanks, bombs, machine guns, snipers, hand guns and all sorts of army artillery. Finally we get a close up of a man in a bomb suit, then the scene makes sense and we realise that they are escorting locals to safety from a bomb threat.

1 comment:

  1. B+
    That's OK, Flo.
    You may not have seen the full exam question: how is the mise-en-scene used to create effects?
    This means also doing some explaining, which you have partly done, for example by explaining how an authentically Middle Eastern location is created.
    I would have also put more emphasis the protective clothing with its huge padding, helmets, visors etc which underlines the sheer peril of the explosive device. It is, as you say after all, a scene about detonating the bomb.
